The Roseland Music Society is a registered charity based on the Roseland peninsula in south Cornwall, England which supports live acoustic music performance across the peninsula and providing education in music for young people, the wider rural local community with hosting workshops, talks, masterclasses with visiting and local musicians. The Society draws its audiences from across Cornwal with its varied and adventurous programming. It has built up a strong regular audience membership in its 25 years though and also welcomes everyone to its concerts and activities including the many visitors (regular and first time) who come to this beautiful corner of the world and find world class music is played here!
Our principle activity is presenting a series of seven concerts on the Roseland throughout the year by professional musicians- normally on a Friday evening, once a month, the details of the current season and ways to purchase tickets you can find on our Events Pages. We also actively engage schools and young people in our programme through our project "Roseland Youth Music" This has
We invite locals and visitors to become Members both to support the general aims of the charity and to join the core group who enjoy coming to our concerts on a regular basis. See the Members area of our website to sign up for newsletters and benefits.
The Society is run by a small Committee (see contact list) who report to its Charitable Trustees. All these roles are undertaken by volunteers. If you would like to serve and contribute in these roles or are happy to help in concert preparation and running the bar please contact the Chairman!
Roseland Music Society concerts this season all take place at Gerrans Memorial Hall, Gerrans Hill, Portscatho, Cornwall TR2 5EE.. With the excepton of the Brodsky String Quartet concert which takes place on Friday 9th May 2025 at St Just in Roseland Church TR2 5JD. Concerts begin at 1930 and the bar and the doors open at 1900
Tickets for our upcoming concerts can all be found here
Membership subscriptions £16 per person can be made here [link to Members pages]
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Why not hire Roseland Music Society to entertain at your next event? We can perform at corporate functions, charity events, community Entertainment events, birthday parties, christmas parties, awards nights, weddings, engagements, anniversaries, engagements, and even funerals and memorial services.